Voltage Inverter Replacement

Hybrid cars run off of electricity, but do you know what kind? Hybrid cars actually run off of AC or alternating current charges. This phased charge is exactly what it needs for your engine to get moving when you need it to. The power stored within your battery is DC or direct current. The voltage inverter within your car takes DC charge from your battery and changes it into AC to make your car start and go. However, when this piece breaks down, your engine will not be able to receive its much needed power. Our ASE certified mechanics perform replacement of these pieces to help you get back on the road. Call J1 Auto Repair today at 630-932-4427 for your voltage inverter replacement today!

Causes Of Wear

Photo of voltage inverterDaily commutes in stop and go traffic and hot weather can really wear on this important piece of your hybrid engine. When problems begin to arise with your inverter, your system warning light will come on, indicating your hybrid car needs service. J1 Auto Repair provides a towing service for your auto needs and will repair your car with the best quality. Contact us today at 630-932-4427 for your voltage inverter replacement or hybrid repair in Lombard, IL!