Shocks & Struts Replacement

photo of strutsAre you experiencing an abnormally bumpy and unstable ride when operating your car? This is a sign of shock and strut failure within your vehicle. Failure of these parts of your suspension can make your vehicle completely unmanageable, putting both you and those on the road in danger during operation. Let J1 Auto Repair inspect and replace your shocks and struts. Our auto mechanics are experts on all makes and models of cars. We provide the best repair and customer service to our customers, getting their vehicle repaired and back on the road quickly and with the best quality. If you need struts and shocks replacement in Lombard, IL, contact us today at 630-932-4427 to schedule an appointment!

Your Local Replacement Shop

These two parts of your suspension are important to the operation of your car. Without these parts, you would be completely unable to operate the vehicle. Shocks and struts act as cushions for your ride, absorbing shock created through the operations. When they fail, all of the vibrations from the road instead affect the body of the vehicle itself. This rattles everything from the exhaust to the driver.

When shock and strut failure are imminent, it is important to get your vehicle to the shop as quickly as possible. However, do not drive the vehicle as you will be putting you and other on the road in peril. J1 Auto Repair offers local tow service and shuttle service to and from the shop for your convenience. Our experiences technicians are ASE certified and always available to assist you on your vehicle’s needs. Give us a call today at 630-932-4427 to speak with our auto mechanics about your shocks and struts replacement in Lombard, IL.