Return Power To Your Engine With Tune Up Service.
While a car is very important for daily life, many people forgo services that could keep it at its best, simply handling required services such as oil changes or getting it serviced when there is an apparent issue. However, failing to service your car can leave it open to many future problems, as daily use will inevitably take its toll. One service can actually prevent these issues while restoring power to your vehicle and its engine. This service includes assessing and restoring many aspects of your vehicle all at once to get it back to its best. Depending on the age of your vehicle, it can be completed anywhere from every 30,000 miles to two years.
What Does a Tune Up Service Do to Your Car?
If you are considering a tune up service, you want to be sure what it will cover and what areas of your car will be improved and worked upon. With service from your Lombard, IL tune up experts at J1 Auto Repair, we inspect, restore, and replace several parts of your vehicle to keep everything in working order:
- Filters: We replace your air, oil, and fuel filters to restore power to your engine and keep it running smoothly.
- Electric Components: This service replaces and inspects spark plugs, battery, and other electric areas of your engine for optimal ignition.
- Transmission: Prevent transmission repair needs with clutch adjustment and transmission inspection.
- Engine Inspection: Your engine is inspected thoroughly, from belts, valves, timing and how it is running.
- And More!
Your Local Auto Experts
If you are interested in getting a tune up for your vehicle in Lombard, IL, look no further than the expert team at J1 Auto Repair. Our technicians are licensed experts who provide thorough inspection and repair to keep your car road ready. We are always available to get started on your service needs. Give us a call today at (630) 932-4427!